Gruppo Moda Vadalà
As we work - finality and objectives
The G.M.V. S.r.l. work following a logic of sensitive enterprise to the changes of market and the different demands of the consumer, also them subject to continuous evolution. In this optics the finalities and the objectives that the G.M.V. it sets in to be they contemplate above all to the optimization of the made services and the massimizzazione of the results gotten by to operate in the textile market.
To underline the lines drives that the G.M.V. it adopts in its own strategy of enterprise, we desire to individualize the following finalities:
- To maximize the exploitation of the firms suppliers, so that to guarantee continuity and presence on the territory.
Constant and continuous assistance to the clients and the suppliers: this service is expounded thanks to the active presence of the reception office in all the periods of the year, creating fluidity in the management of the commercial and informative relationships. Besides, the structure is composed from real collaborator-agents (and not seasonal), guaranteeing therefore a logistic constancy in the planning, distribution and verification of the developed job.
To optimize the service made to the suppliers and the clients. The G.M.V. work as trait of union between the client and the firm, continually furnishing inputs and information so that to continually adjourn on the variations of market. It assumes, besides, also the role of reception and elaboration of data and information (as also complaints) from the external environment setting itself in an optics of communication twos streets, necessary to continually improve him.
Exploitation the collaborators' role. For G.M.V. s.r.l. the figure of the representative is to intend him in terms of flexibility, not more seen how simple seller and mere collaborator, on the contrary as advisor of firm. In this sense G.M.V. it aims to create experts of the sector, guaranteeing both to its own suppliers and to its own clients the competence, seriousness and professionalism necessary for the attainment of success in every activity.